Adding to the variety of doors and safes that are usually employed at home, in the office and industrial places, the lock and key are also important in cars, and it’s not just a simple method of securing your own vehicle. Your keys are also needed in order to start up your vehicle. A broken or possibly malfunctioning key is something which could cause you various problems since without it, you might not be able to open or start up your vehicle.

If you need a helping hand in handling this problem, why not contact us? Our company can be found in Escondido, California, which is where we provide services for homes, commercial establishments and automotives who are facing a problem regarding their locks and keys. The variety of automotive services that we offer include key duplication, door unlocking and replacements for lock and ignition. Our representatives are ready to respond to any customer calling them 24/7 and will readily send over a locksmith to any place you might be within Escondido, California.

The residential, commercial and industrial sectors can also avail of our various services. You can avail of lock installation, repairs and replacement, while people who are locked out of homes can ask for emergency door unlocking, and you may also ask for security systems to be installed, aside from other services related to these sectors.

Whenever you need automotive services within Escondido, California, you can always contact us. Our availability extends to all the time, whether it’s day, night, weekday or weekend. You can now easily request our services for a simple fixed fee of only $15 added to our labor costs, plus payment for the parts that you’ve requested or bought. You know what to do whenever you need assistance.

Available 24/7 Mobile

Emergency Locksmith Service

No extra charges on Nights nor Weekends

Licensed, Bonded, & Insured